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What's On This Week

Online Worship

Anchor 1

Sunday 8 September

9.30am - Communion Service - Fisherton - followed by tea and coffee.

10.30am - Communion Service - Alloway

10.30am - Sunday School

Tea and coffee in the Church Halls following the 10.30am service.

6.30pm - Communion Service - Alloway

From the Treasurer - Please make any cheques to the Church payable to Alloway and Fisherton Parish Church.

Sunday 29 September - A short exploratory meeting will be held in the Session Room at 2.00pm for anyone considering joining the Church. If you would like to attend, please contact the Church Secretary on

Monday 9 September

7.00pm - Worship and Development Committee Meeting

Tuesday 10 September

9.45am - Parent and Toddlers

Wednesday 11 September

10.30am - Wednesday Worship in the Octagonal Hall

Thursday 12 September

10.30am - Quiet Time of Prayer in the Fellowship Lounge

2.30pm - Musical Memories

Friday 13 September

9.45am - Parent and Toddlers

1.30pm - Ladies Carpet Bowling in the Octagonal Hall

Saturday 14 September

4.00pm - Messy Church

Sunday 15 September

9.30am - Morning Worship - Fisherton - followed by tea and coffee.

10.30am - Morning Worship - Alloway

10.30am - Sunday School

Tea and coffee in the Church Halls following the 10.30am service.




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Thank you for visiting our website.  

We trust at this challenging time you will find

His Peace and Blessing.

Philippians 4:8  

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.  And the God of peace will be with you.

Friendship Group
Foodbank Collection - Sunday Morning - 10am to 12noon


Church Services currently take place at 10.30am.

Following changes to the Covid restrictions, there is no longer an enforced capacity on attendance and masks are no longer legally required to be worn but left to your discretion.  Assistance will be provided on any seating arrangements.

Our organists, Stephen Bradley and Alan Richmond play in Church and Karin Stewart and Stephen regularly enhance worship with their singing.

Our weekly online service can be found on the Church website –, on the Alloway Parish Church Facebook page ,or on our YouTube channel.

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