Our Church has a partnership with Alloway and Doonfoot Primary Schools and Bandawe Primary and All Girls Secondary Schools in Malawi.
The Partnership

Ayrshire Post Article 20th March 2019
Pop UK 2019 - Pupils from Alloway Primary School and Doonfoot Primary School sing their hearts at Alloway Parish Church.

In 2007, the Kirk Session of Alloway Parish Church set a priority to focus on Youth and Children’s Work, and appointed a Youth and Schools Worker. The whole focus of the partnership is based on relationship and trust.
The working relationship between Alloway and Doonfoot Primary Schools and Alloway Parish Church is seen as a pleasure and privilege by all of the staff involved. The Schools Worker invites many members of the congregation to be a part of school life, and indeed the schools support the church.
Activities cover helping pupils to think about the importance of belief in our lives and in society, and also include fun and fellowship building.
The congregation have made a financial investment into the schools by providing “Mission Weeks”. Pupils have enjoyed the Scottish Bible Society Bibleworld Trailer, have learned about Creation through drama, crafts, games and storytelling with church members and also workers from Christian Aid and absolutely love taking part in Pop UK, when they learn and record seven pop songs with strong moral messages, sharing their talents at concerts for the whole community, in the church.