In 1996 it was proposed to install a memorial window in Alloway Parish church to commemorate the Bicentenary of the death of our National Bard, Robert Burns.
The following committee was set up to progress the work:
Major R Y Henderson, TD, JP, Chairman of Burns Monument Trustees;
John H Skilling, President of the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs;
Dr J T F Morrall, President of Alloway Burns Club;
Charles Weir, Elder of Alloway Parish Church;
Treasurer - Miss J R C Boyd, 18 Goukscroft Court, Doonfoot, Ayr
A Burns Memorial fund was immediately set up. The design of the window was fortunately approved by the Presbytery of Ayr on Tuesday, 3rd September, 1996 as its manufacture was by then well under way by Susan Bradbury of Kilmaurs. The window was dedicated in Alloway Parish Church during the 9.45 am service on Sunday, 29th September, 1996.