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Mungo, (St Kentigern), was a 7th century Christian missionary whose mother was later also sanctified and who is though to be buried near St Enoch’s Station in Glasgow. Her Saint’s day is July 18th. She was, in fact, a Votadine princess called Thenaw, daughter of King Lothus after whom the area of Lothian is named.

She was abused by one Owain Mab Urian and became pregnant. Her father was so furious with HER that he had her thrown from the heights of Taprain Law, (not far from North Berwick), down about 100m from which she survived.

She was then put into a frail coracle and pushed out into the Firth of Forth to die or drown but, by God’s grace, she was washed up alive on the coast of Fife where, in the fullness of time, young Mungo was born. Thenaw later travelled with Mungo and they gained many converts to Christianity.


She is said to be buried under the square in Glasgow bearing her name ‘St Thenaw’, (St Enoch’s), Square where a chapel used to stand.

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  St Thenaw – The Mother of Glasgow

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