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Writer's pictureSteve Maw


Starting to count the sleeps now! When we first started discussions with the Malawians about the possibility of this trip it seemed an age away! And here we are 4 weeks on Tuesday!

Our team day is planned for Saturday 9th June, as we approach God for His care and presence in all that we hope to achieve in Malawi. It will be an opportunity for final questions and practicalities about the trip.

The theme for the children at Bandawe PS Bible study is the story of Joseph – the Pyramid Rock; chosen as jealousy is often an issue for adults in Malawi. We are delighted that our own Summer Holiday Club here in Alloway will be the same material used. We hope to bring back videos of the Malawian pupils singing the songs and Bible verses to share with you and the children.

Here is a skeleton outline of our itinerary for the trip, and we ask for your prayerful support each day for the team and for the many Malawians we will encounter throughout this journey.

Tuesday 3rd July – Leave Alloway at 11.00am. PLEASE DO COME AND WAVE US OFF! LEAVING FROM THE CHURCH HALLS AT 11.00AM SHARP, MEETING TOGETHER AT 10.30AM. Flights to Heathrow and Johannesburg, South Africa.

Wednesday 4th July – From Johannesburg to Lilongwe, Malawi. Journey north on the team bus (yet to be named!) to Ekwendeni Mission station and lodge.

Thursday 5th July – Into Mzuzu the town for essential supplies – phone top ups, dongles, supermarket gifts, etc. Visit to Synod Office. Tour of Ekwendeni station including Church of Scotland HIV/Aids project as we hope to be joined by friends we have met on previous visits.

Friday 6th July – Visit to Ekwendeni Hospital and maternity unit. Lunch at Luposo Manse with Agnes and Kachepa Mughogho, past Presbytery Clerk of Bandawe Presbytery. Girls not Brides.

Saturday 7th July – Kavusi Clinic and Kajilwre congregation, then onto a Presbytery meeting with Limphasa Presbytery. Journey continues down to Lake Malawi, and Bandawe and our new home for 9 nights the Sambani Lodge.

Sunday 8th July – worship at Thipula church, Bandawe Station. Bandawe Presbytery meeting and tour of the station.

Monday 9th July – Mission at Bandawe PS – Bible study with games, sports and crafts with the pupils run by the church team whilst the teachers work with the teachers and staff of BAGSS and BPS, running through the list of development needs they have sent to us. This will be our activity every morning until Friday 13th July. Afternoon will be spent with the orphans at Tiziwane Orphan care centre, who are helping us with the meal we have for the children involved in the mission each day. A meal of Nseema, rice, chicken, eggs and vegetables. A walk to some village homes.

Tuesday 10th July – Mission. Visit to BAGSS and to meet the 4 girls sponsored by Alloway church and to see the wonderful improvements we have supported over the years of our partnership. Tracy M will work with the widows and show them her “Cannie Cooker”, and Bill will work at the clinic doing some simple first aid and hygiene lessons.

Wednesday 11th July – Mission. Visit to Bandawe School for the Hearing Impaired.

Thursday 12th July – Mission. Visit to Old Bandawe and to pay our respects at the graves of the first Scottish missionaries to land there. Sekera Orphan Care Centre.

Friday 13th July – Mission. Chanawaka Nursery – partner of Alloway and Doonfoot Early Year’s Centres. Party at BAGSS and BPS.

Saturday 14th July – Roadside market at Nkhata Bay. Coffee at the home of Benford Mwakayuni and family – previous HT of BAGSS, and visitor to Alloway in 2015. Journey along Lake Malawi to visit Sanje Prayer House.

Sunday 15th July – Worship at Thipula congregation. Team time at Chinteche Inn with time for reflection and evaluation. A very welcome afternoon tea and early evening a BBQ on the beach.

Monday 16th July – Journey down to Lilongwe stopping at Nkhota Kota Pottery for lunch. The place where David Livingstone first landed on Lake Malawi. Stay overnight in the Korea Garden Lodge.

Tuesday 17th July – Visit to Malawi Parliament Building. Flight to Johannesburg and then to Heathrow.

Wednesday 18th July – Final flight to Glasgow. Arriving back in Alloway at approx. 11.15am.


Whilst we are in Malawi we will update our Team Facebook page. “Alloway Malawi Mission 2018”. Please do follow us, and add likes to everything! Our wonderful techie folks will add the information from the Facebook to the church website for all of those who would like to see what we are getting up to, and perhaps share some photos on the screen in church whilst we are away.

This is a truly wonderful opportunity for us to learn more about our brothers and sisters in Christ, our partners in Malawi.

We pray for God to give us wisdom and discernment to know who needs our help and how best to give it.

We ask for guidance and protection for all of this team as we travel to Malawi, uphold us and surround us with your love Father God. May each one feel that special joy you give when we see a child smile, when we see them at play, when we see them with nothing, yet in their eyes there is hope?

Open our hearts to care in practical ways, to love as you would have us love them, and remain with us as we give more of ourselves to help.

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