In the sky at the apex of the window we see a Star. This refers to the song “The Star o’ Rabbie Burns”. Although not written by Robert Burns, the song refers to him:
“It shines by night, it shines by day
And ne’er grows dim wi’ time”
and his poetry illuminates mankind more than two centuries after his death.
After I had been to talk to Susan Bradbury one evening about some changes to the window I saw this star (Venus) in the east above the Auld Brig o’Doon. I thought it should be included in the window. Burns was ‘fond of the lasses’ as he said, and this might, for me, represent those ladies of the Eastern Star?
Coming down the window, we have the Old Brig of Doon mentioned in Burns poem ‘Tam o’Shanter’. When Tam roared out “Weel done cutty Sark” at the winsome witch, the witches and warlocks chased him as he headed south on his horse Meg towards the bridge over the River Doon.
“Now, do thy speedy utmost, Meg,
And win the key-stane of the brig;
There, at them thou thy tail may toss,
A running stream they dare na cross!”
The River Doon flows under the bridge nearly to the bottom of the window.