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RB - 012 Alloway Village Hall
RB - 013 Alloway Village Hall

Drag yourself away from the cottage and go across the road to the Village Hall. This is where Alloway Burns Club have their meetings. Alloway Public Hall lies opposite Burns Cottage. Its life began in 1849 as the village school and was enlarged in 1885. In 1922 it was gifted to trustees as a public hall and was substantially reconstructed in 1929-30 as one of the last works of the great Scottish architect, Sir Robert Lorimer.  Particularly noteworthy are the plaster panels in the barrel ceiling of the large main hall which shows scenes from Burns’ poems “The Deil’s Awa wi the Exciseman” and “The Jolly Beggars’. They are the work of Charles D’O Pilkington Jackson. The hall also contains a 2ft statue of Burns by Pittendreigh McGillivray.


+44 1292 442 083


40 Alloway



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Alloway & Fisherton Parish Church of Scotland, Alloway, KA7 4PQ, No. 100538

Scotttish Registered Charity No. SC012456

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