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RB - 025 Church Bell

The Church bell, still in its place above the east gable since 1657, was the subject of a dispute when, in 1789, the magistrates of Ayr tried to remove it and the local populance ‘repelled the attempt by open force’.

RB - 028 Seining Bowl


Going round the Kirk we can see the seining bowl – an outside font where pilgrims and lepers perhaps could use the water in blessing themselves without going into the Church.

RB - 026 South Wall Doorway

In the south wall is the doorway with the date of 1516 above, (a century late at least), and looking through the iron gate we can see 2 mort safes which should remind us of Burke and Hare in body snatching times and not, as I was told of some tourist who thought that they were mighty impressive barbeque grills!

RB - 027 Mortesafes

Well maybe they weren’t so far wrong! “In hell they’ll roast ye like a herrin’”.


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Alloway & Fisherton Parish Church of Scotland, Alloway, KA7 4PQ, No. 100538

Scotttish Registered Charity No. SC012456

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