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RB - 051 Brig O Doon

This Brig O’Doon is a single span bridge which probably dates from the 15th century. This, of course, is the bridge Tam crossed on his Grey Mare Meg, pursued by Nannie and the rest of the fiendish horde.  Witches could not cross a running stream and Tam escaped.


If you don’t know the detail of the poem take a copy with you as you tour Alloway.

In 1754 Wm Burnes moved to the Alloway district and engaged himself for 2 years as gardener to John Crawford at Doonside House, 2.5 miles south of Ayr. Across the Doon, on the north bank of the river, William is said to have lodged at Doonside Mill for about 3 years.

RB - 052 Dutch Mill

Doonside Mill is sometimes known as the Dutch Mill because it was built by men from Holland during the 16th century. It has now been converted into luxury flats looking across the river to the ruins of Bridgend Castle.


While living at Doonside Mill, William Burnes courted a girl from Alloway Mill – about a mile down the river – before he met Agnes Broun at Maybole in 1756.


+44 1292 442 083


40 Alloway



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Alloway & Fisherton Parish Church of Scotland, Alloway, KA7 4PQ, No. 100538

Scotttish Registered Charity No. SC012456

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